Molde is a small coastal city of 26,000. It has a relatively moderate climate as it is warmed by the Gulf Stream and protected by surrounding hills. Because of its climate It is often referred to as the city of roses. It was a short walk from the ship to the city center where we could look across the fjord to the snow-topped mountains. We also toured the rose garden atop the city hall. We then walked up to the Romsdal museum which consists of a dozen original buildings that had been moved from the surrounding area to the museum site. The buildings dating from the early 17th century Viking house to a 19th century church. There were guides at each of the buildings explaining aspects of life in those times. The original Viking house was small, dark and smoke-filled since the Vikings didn't know about chimneys. There were no windows, only two small (4-inches by 4 inches} openings to let in some light. The door was low and narrow. The open fire was used for cooking but not heating since with the doorway and other openings closed smoke from the fire would have made the air unbreathable in a very short time. At another building there was a woman baking flat bread (sort of a Norwegian matzoh) actually quite good. In another building a woman was spinning yarn to use in a primitive loom that was in the next room. An 18th century building had been owned by a relatively affluent family and the guide there explained what life was like for them. The women work traditional costumes from the region. We were told that every family has these regional costumes which are completely had-made and very expensive and are worn on special occasions. |